
Tag Archives: cartoon

Today is easily the most unproductive day ever. Lots of thoughts flowing around in my mind. This might be caused by the fact that I’ve been knee deep stuck in work for the last few days, but I will try to sort them out anyway. Here we go..

Our house is going veggie!

Today, my neighbour E. announced he is going vegetarian. He announced it with a sort of proud voice, and it was good to see him explain why. This makes me so optimistic. I saw it coming, in a way, since E. has many veg*n (yes – cool, regular expression kind of saying vegans and vegetarians in one) friends that he hangs out with a lot of the time. I was very happy to see it.

Veganomicon update

I am dying to try out new things from the Veganomicon. Tomorrow I shall go on a massive food shop, and got some plans for a couple of meals that people will be coming over for next week. I am excited! Pictures will be posted of course.

Approaches to Soy

I was never a great fan of milk, and was always the one to watch in awe as my flatmates went through copious amounts in few days. Therefore, I acknowledged the existence of soy milk, but never depended on it or even considered buying some. A couple of days ago, when I was making the Cauliflower potpie , I had to buy some for the sauce and was very impressed with the taste when trying a little bit after. Yes, it is weird and different – but since I am not a great fan of the taste of milk, I am certainly not complaining. It also happens to be a great source of Calcium so I guess that can’t harm…

A couple of days later, I also happen to find soy in my department’s fridge! I was majorly impressed. My era of drinking black tea is therefore finally over, instead comes one in which I shall try to explore the wonders of soy milk.

Vegan Cartoons

Definitely reminds me of quotations I posted in Day 18 post… : “Terrorist” and “unamerican”? Yup, these definitely come into place here.

by T Peyser

And this one found on Mark Stiver’s Homepage is also definitely true.

Vegan Diet











Very true. It is so, so easy to be vegetarian and unhealthy, and almost as much with veganism. Not that I generally disagree with a heavy coffee-based diet, but personally saw the change in diet as a chance to also eat more healthily in general. Sometimes they say that green stuff is good for you after all..