
Tag Archives: pizza

This month, I decided to enter the Iron Chef Challenge.

Basically, every month, they give out a new Secret Ingredient and vegan chefs (ie: bloggers) from all around the world try their best to go crazy with that special food.

January’s one was: Squash!

Since my wonderful housemate still has a few squash from her garden sitting around the house I figured January was finally the month I’d join in the fun!

This is what I made:

Butternut-Squash Pizza

Super-simple, different, but yummy.

First, roast the squash. I chopped it up and coated it with some olive oil and red pepper. Check out instructions on How To Roast Veggies over at the HungryHungryHippie blog if you need more details.

Next, I made some simple tofu ricotta. Mix:

  • 1 pack silken tofu
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • Splash of lemon juice
  • Salt and black pepper

To be professional, I decided to also make some pizza dough from scratch. This vegan recipe worked excellent.

When your pizza dough is risen, assemble your toppings!

  • Roasted squash
  • Tofu ricotta (see above)
  • 1/2 Onion, cut into rings
  • Anything else you like on your pizza! I kept it simple and only used the above.

Bake for approximately 15min at 405F. Yes, that seems hot, but pizza needs a hot oven kiddos. It does.

And … enjoy!

Vegan pizza with peppers, mushrooms and onions;

Kidney bean, chickpea & balsamico salad;




and some plain lettuce.

So lucky to have vegan options on my meal plan! 🙂

Also, I just told the staff at our kitchen that I am vegan (which I am not entirely yet). This means that from now on, I will eat only vegan meals at our cafeteria. Also, it means that there are now 3 vegans in our cooperative, so hopefully they will start incorporating vegan desserts as well.

To give them credit, a lot of the vegetarian meals are vegan as well. While I was registered as ‘vegetarian’, I tried to pick only the meals that “seemed” vegan – but now I can be sure. I was hesitating to do this step for a while since it meant I wouldn’t take any muffins or cake anymore since technically I wasn’t calculated in for it. But today was the day. Feels so good to have done it now. SCORE!

Do you ever hesitate to tell others about your dietary choices like I did?