
Tag Archives: skinny

Spring break has finally arrived, so I should have some time now to sleep, read, try out recipes from my new Veganomicon book that finally arrived and generally do enjoyable things.

That was the plan, but town is dead empty and I am bored. It’s not even 7pm yet, and I’ve already managed to watch 2 and 1/2 movies (the 1/2 one was really only about a 1/16th of the movie, ‘Eat, Pray, Love’. Although I enjoyed the book, I just couldn’t watch…)

I then randomly ended up on and searched for a definition of veganism, or a vegan. Apart from the boring, obvious definitions, I found some hilarious ones and wanted to share with everyone.

These are a couple of highlights:

A vegan is:

Usually a college hippy or a pompous Hollywood celebrity. They love to point out their diet is so health even though they’re 5’11” and weight 100lbs.
They tend to get appalled or preachy if you so much mention that you eat meat.

And also:

…a pot smoking liberal, living in a drug induced fantacy world where eating meat is wrong. To hell with the fact that meat has been eaten since the dawn of time by carnivores of all types. These people are dangerous, and must committed to a mental institution before they ruin the country. 

Not to forget:

Annoying skinny fucks who refuse to eat meat or any other other animal by product.

And of course, ‘terrorists’ had to be in there:

the epicenter of the internet. terrorists. rogues. rampant with heroin use, barfights, and bands so noisy only a mother could love them.

..Of course:

Someone who slaughters and kills fruits, and vegetables.

Lastly, my personal favourite:

A person who dosen’t consume animal products. They are unamerican, probably communist, and in the case of the male vegan most likely a homosexual.

I actually laughed out loud at some of these. It is great to see people’s stereotypes condensed in such a snappy form. Mix some 19th century attitudes in with some Republican propaganda (surely, anyone who is different has to be pot-smoking, terrorist-communist breed) and a couple of horrifying spelling and grammar mistakes: perfect recipe.
Luckily, I have yet to meet such ‘criticism’ in person – although who knows what goes on in people’s heads anyway…
Have a good day, everyone 😉