
Tag Archives: bulgur

I seem to be severely peanut butter addicted this days.
Oh well.
Why not?

This is late-night study food. It’s cover-your-room with the smell of peanut butter to overcome the smell of books and sweat of hard work – food. It’s so simply I can’t even call it a recipe, and am sort of ashamed to post it on here. Still, I figured: it’s filling, it’s (sort of) healthy, it’s vegan and it’s DAMN tasty. And it has peanut butter in it. Why would I keep this away from you?

You need:

  1. 1/2 cup of bulgur
  2. 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  3. some water

Do I really need to tell you what to do here?
Simple: Pour boiling water over bulgur. Add peanut butter and watch how it melts beautifully. Stir. Wait. Wait some more. And devour…

Step 1

Step 2



Dear readers,

I have decided to finally rejuvenate this blog and restart to tell the tales of my vegan eating. Yes, I am indeed a vegetarian now, still I intend to cook more and more vegan food and reduce animal products in my diet. This blog will hopefully help my motivation to do so!

Now, the other day I happened to see a Whole Foods pantry in a small town somewhere in Ontario. The lady there was incredibly nice and it was great to see all her different products. Positively suprised by the offers, I decided to stock up right away for my new blogging and vegan cooking ventures. This is my phat loot:

Let the fun begin …

(1) Sunflower seeds

(2) Israeli CousCous

(3) Bulgur

(4) Nutritional Yeast

(5) Chia seeds

Now, what to do with all these babies? Suggestions are always welcome.
Can’t wait to start cooking! 🙂